Organisation and Contact
All the activities developed under AgroServ, from the provision of research services to community building and living labs activities, aim to expand our knowledge on agroecology and provide a wider understanding of the functioning of sustainable agro-systems in the long-term in order to contribute to the European Green Deal (EGD) and to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To ensure quality and efficiency of the implementation of the different tasks and services, AgroServ is structured around nine Work Packages (WP).
Contact: contact [at] agroserv.eu
The objective of WP1 is to develop and implement a framework for Transnational Access to services integrated within AgroServ, based on the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures and driven by excellent science. WP1 will provide a user-friendly interface to access services, ensure harmonisation of access procedures and set-up the criteria for a transparent access policy. This WP will manage and implement the access process, including calls for access, proposal development and scientific evaluation by independent experts.
The objective of WP2 is to provide operational excellence by delivering and developing high-quality, interoperable, integrated and customised services supporting research and innovation and accelerating the steps of the research cycle and the delivery of solutions for sustainable and resilient agriculture and for an agroecological transition. Through a challenge-driven research and innovation lens, WP2 will create an extensive catalogue of services, develop scientific and technical interoperability, provide the frameworks for transdisciplinary approaches and integrated and customised research infrastructure services. It will also set up the conditions and methodologies for developing a wider service offer.
Leveraging existing services and platforms, WP3 aims to establish a data management knowledge hub to provide guidance and best practices for the management and publication of data across services. To facilitate innovative applications, the content will be developed in accordance with relevant Environmental and Life-Science Research Infrastructures, in synergy with EOSC (e.g. ENVRI FAIR and EOSC-Life), and relevant pan-European initiatives and policies (e.g. One Health Strategy, GreenDeal, Farm2Fork Strategy). It also aims to ensure long term FAIR access and preservation of data through its deposition and publication into community trusted repositories.
WP4 will deal with transversal issues related to the quality of the services and the ethical aspects relevant for the type of services provided by the different Research Infrastructures. This WP aims to harmonise the procedures, mechanisms and methodologies on access quality management and monitoring of the TNA programme and selected projects. It will also focus on identifying and addressing access quality management issues for multi-RI accesses to customised services, in the context of sustainable and resilient agriculture and agro-ecological transitions.
WP5 will guarantee coordination of a participatory approach during the activities of the other work packages and the connection with existing initiatives. This WP will focus on creating an AgroServ Community of Users (CoU) and supply appropriate methodologies, support facilitation during workshops and assure a maximum fine-tuning of all foreseen stakeholder and user consultations in all WPs. Existing initiatives will be engaged in this Community. WP5 will organise joint training events, and it will provide a common methodology and guidelines for these activities.
WP6 will implement a co-creation open support ecosystem to address the challenges of innovation in agroecological transitions, with expected outcomes in the knowledge, business and social domains. Strongly connected to WP5, it will develop a user-driven approach in order to accelerate the innovation process. A hybrid model of Living Labs (LLs) will be implemented, as a physical and virtual space of interaction, in which stakeholders will collaborate for the creation, validation and experimentation of ideas and services in “real-life contexts”.
WP7 will closely work with other WPs to assess the coherence between the TNA/VA funded activities and the expected outcomes of the project, but also to study the sustainability of new integrated services resulting from user’s experiences and inputs from stakeholders. The activities of this WP will also produce a Sustainability Plan that will guarantee the continuity in the services offered to the agroecology community. Finally, a Roadmap for implementing the AgroServ Research Infrastructure Network will be elaborated.
WP8 aims to develop a common communication strategy and create common communication tools in order to efficiently communicate about the project. The primary objective of this WP is to promote the offer of research services throughout the European research community, promote the scientific results resulting from TNA services, and support outreach activities (i.e. farmers, SMEs, policy makers, the press, etc.).
This WP revolves around general management of the project to ensure that the project meets all its objectives and the expected outcomes of the call.
Contact the central hub
AgroServ Central Hub
AnaEE-ERIC, CNRS Campus, Bâtiment 11
1 Av. de la Terrasse, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France