
From molecules to society

143 research services for the whole agroecology community

Man holding plants in a labarotory agroserv

How do I know if my research matches AgroServ?

AgroServ covers a wide range of services and resources for agricultural research. If your work or research involves disciplines related to agriculture, plant sciences, or similar fields, and if you want to address interdisciplinary topics related to agroecology, then it's likely within the scope of the project. We cover scientific domains from environmental to information and social Sciences.

Common questions among applicants

Ensuring a viable agroecological transition towards sustainable and resilient agri-food systems

European Research Infrastructures
Research Services
23 +

11 Research Infrastructures

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Get in touch

AgroServ Central Hub
AnaEE-ERIC, CNRS Campus, Bâtiment 11
1 Av. de la Terrasse, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
contact [at]